The River Tiber
Politically aware people of my generation will remember the speech by Enoch Powell given in April 1968, when he condemned the mass immigration which was changing the nature of the population and warned As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood.
They will also be aware of the support he received from the working class, and how the selfish liberal elite, including the leaders of the Conservative party, denounced him. We were told then, and it has been repeated many times since, that he was totally wrong, and that there was nothing about which to be concerned.
It has taken a long time, and it is by no means yet clear to silly, idealistic commentators and politicians, that he was right. Nations are far better off if they are basically homogeneous. All this so called diversity does is create conflicting groups who, far from living together in harmony, end up fighting each other. The Left's mantra of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity is a formula for never ending conflict within countries. The liberals will never accept it, but the whole concept of multiculturalism is a myth, and a failure. It is shown to be so wherever one looks in the world. Now, as our cities ring to the sound of desperate protest by the ignored, and patronised working class, the truth is finally coming home to roost, and it is made far worse by the totally biased response from the complacent elites, living in their ivory towers.
Violence, damage to property, and looting are wrong, and clearly the police should not be a target for attack, as they are only doing their jobs, but it too simplistic to blame the recent riots in British cities on mindless thuggery, as there are serious issues which must be considered. The so called progressives of the middle class have facilitated mass immigration, with its consequent effects upon employment, housing, and availability of sufficient medical care, yet have carefully avoided being inconvenienced themselves. The vast majority of those entering illegally have been transferred to working class areas, while those living in rich enclaves in London and elsewhere have been unaffected. A prime example is my wife's home town, Middlesbrough, where the rate of unemployment is three times the national average, and where more of the illegals have been sent than to any other place.
The Labour party, which once represented the workers, abandoned them, and now, through its mouthpiece the BBC, demonises them as far right, when in fact they are ordinary people afraid for the future of their children. The founders of the Labour movement, including the PM's namesake, would reject with contempt what the party has become. Rather than supporting the working class it shows the ordinary people nothing but disdain, while elevating the demands of those without any claim on this country to the status of Holy Writ.
The people protesting have also been subjected to threats from the politicians, when nothing similar arose when those such as Black Lives Matter, Just Stop Oil and pro Hamas demonstrations committed illegal acts. It is clear that the elites hold the working class in contempt, and believe that they can treat them just as they please. The disturbances will perhaps have made clear that this is not so, and, while criminal acts must be punished, there can be no doubt that the troubles will continue unless very valid grievances are addressed.
Clearly attacks on mosques are wrong but very little media coverage has been given to a Christian church in Wembley, where a statue of the Virgin Mary has been destroyed, other Christian churches that are in fear of attack, or how shoppers fled Croydon's high street as a mob of men rampaged for more than a mile through the centre of town chanting Allah Akbar. In addition a Labour councillor in Dartford gave a speech calling for those protesting about massive immigration to have their throats cut. He is now in trouble, but many in his audience were clapping, and obviously concurred with his threats. Those on the Left hysterically denouncing one side say very little about the aggressive behaviour of those on the other. The Home Secretary, and other ministers, have suddenly converted from liberal permissiveness to a belief in deterrent sentences, when offenders dare to oppose the policies of the liberal left.
The double standards applied to policing at the behest of the Left are obvious, as is their hypocrisy. They reject the use of deterrent sentences on murderers and the like with the claim that deterrence doesn't work, yet at the same time apply what they then claim to be deterrence against ordinary people who dare to defy their insane ideology. In addition when they want the votes of 16 year olds they claim that they are adults, but when a 17 year old kills little children they refer to him as a boy.
It is also indicative of the true nature of the Green movement that so many of its members are anti semites, as evidenced by comments made by a number of their candidates. They possess all the instincts of the fascists, determined to silence anyone opposed to their absurd beliefs, while harbouring that most ancient of hatreds, that of the innocent Jewish people. Their obsession with a ridiculous climate change theory obscures the fact that they are a thoroughly nasty organisation, antithetical to everything that the ordinary person wants, and a threat to democracy. Unfortunately we now face years of a government which will allow these people to run riot, so we may expect worse to come.
While there are always lunatics at both extremes of the political spectrum, as proved by the attacks on Jo Cox, and Sir David Amess, it is apparent that the most worrying threats are coming from those on the Left, largely from different cultures, who do not recognize any limits on political debate. One may disagree profoundly with opponents, but to use force in an effort to silence them is something which has not disfigured debate here since the days of Oswald Mosley, but which does frequently occur in other, less developed nations.
Until last year I had believed that the abomination of anti semitism, although still prevalent in much of the world, did not have many adherents in the UK or the USA. However the reaction of so many, largely on the Left, to Israel taking action to punish those responsible for the murderous attack on innocent people last 7th October, while seeking to ensure that such an atrocity cannot happen again, shows that this ancient hatred infects very many in both our countries. The Jewish people were the victims, but both the mobs marching in our streets, and moronic student protesters, ignore this fact, and instead accuse Israel of attempting genocide, as it tries to eliminate the terrorists of Hamas, who revelled in the deaths that they they caused, and have promised to repeat the slaughter if they get the chance.
Those, supposedly among the most educated, who are incapable of recognising the truth, and instead indulge in victim blaming, are unfit to be at university, but of course they are the products of the extreme left wing establishment which now dominates education. The rot is everywhere, with large numbers of teachers determined to brainwash youngsters into believing the propaganda pumped out by extremists. Only a root and branch reform of the whole system can effect the necessary sea change, but of course this will not happen under a socialist government, which lacks the will to take any effective action.
The appeasement of the woke will see many of the recent advances in rights for women being undermined, and toleration of virtually unrestricted immigration will see a large number of British workers being unable to obtain employment, as incomers will accept inferior pay and conditions, while our infrastructure continues to totter. As we face a prolonged period of Labour government the electorate should face up to one overwhelming fact about socialism. It doesn't work. Although there is an underlying egalitarianism underlying the ideology, the fact is that wherever it has been tried, it has failed. The seventy five years of the Soviet Union reduced the ordinary Russian, and later the East European people, to relative poverty in comparison to their fellow Europeans. Those nations which embraced capitalism have seen their economies grow, while they have not sacrificed the freedoms enjoyed by those in the West.
The fundamental problem is that not only does socialism go against the grain of human nature, it is an utterly hopeless kind of economic system. Those imposing it penalise the parts of an economy which produces the wealth, which they tax to the hilt, while they seek to spend money the state does not have. As the inevitable result is that they cannot fund their programmes they must either tax more, print money which causes massive inflation, borrow vast sums, thus mortgaging the future, or ignore vital matters such as defence. The situation at the time of the Attlee government was totally different to today, as the nation required a change of direction, but no one in that post war administration would have accepted the policies of their heirs of today, with their obsessions on such matters as sexual politics, and their hardly disguised antisemitism. The modern Labour party is a home for extremists who hate their own country, denigrate its history, and care little for the working class. Other left wing parties such as the Greens, and the Liberal Democrats, offer no realistic alternative, the former being obsessed with climate change, and the latter planning to put unelected Brussels bureaucrats back in charge of Britain. Only a radical prioritisation of the interests of the British people can save us from a truly bleak future.
The insanity of the sexual identity politics promulgated by the liberal left, has been fully demonstrated by the sight of a woman being physically beaten up by a man, in a travesty of an Olympic boxing match. Those from the International Olympic Committee who see fit to excuse their decision to allow men with XY chromosomes to take part in female competition should be removed, as they clearly put what they think is virtue signalling above any consideration of female safety. That the spokesman for the IOC is a close friend of Sir Keir Starmer shows just what sort of people we now have in charge of this nation, so British women may expect to see their equality, that has been so hard won, being undermined by the liberal left's absurd agenda, based on the mantra of diversity and inclusivity, but actually meaning the prioritising of the demands of minorities above the rights of the majority.
The organisers of the opening ceremony of the Parisian Olympic games produced a very impressive show, but then spoilt it by allowing the woke to insult Christians in a manner which they would never have dared had it been any other religion. The Last Supper is one of the most iconic images of Christianity, and these people presented it as being a gathering of drag queens. On a global scale it is the most persecuted of all religions, and worshippers in nominally Christian countries have the right to expect that it will be respected, even by those who profess other faiths, or none. Jesus Christ preached for only three years, wrote nothing down, and everything he is recorded as saying takes under two hours to repeat, yet, over two millennia later, his followers number over two billion, and, outside Europe, Christianity is the faster growing religion in the world. Those moral pygmies who think themselves so clever in mocking the sincere beliefs of others will be forgotten in the blink of an eye, yet the faith will endure for all time.
As we face years of a growing revolt against elites who have learnt nothing from the uproar in the streets it becomes clear that Enoch was right all along. The River Tiber may indeed foam with blood, thanks to the idiots who dominate our society.