What to say

As we face the general election I thought that I would consider just what might be said to canvassers if they come to our door. Some issues are common to all parties, but some relate very much to the policies they choose to espouse.

For me the most important is defence. As we face a revanchist Russia, led by a man who has thrown off any pretence of accepting a democratic world order, and supported by a China intent on making itself the hegemon of Asia, or even the world, we are in greater danger than we have been since the Second World War. We are hated by much of the Muslim world, led by an Iran intent on developing nuclear weapons, and a North Korea, already in possession of such, and desirous of undermining the West.

We already know that, unlike the days of Attlee, the Left cannot be trusted with defence, and. despite what they now claim, would undoubtedly starve the Armed Forces of funds in order to pay for their social programmes. In addition our nuclear deterrent would be in peril, as so many of their members are opposed to such. One idiot recently said "We have spent so much on Trident, but never used it"! It obviously doesn't occur to them that in fact we use it everyday, as it deters our enemies from using their nuclear weapons on us. If a tyrant with the mentality of a Hitler, or a Stalin, knew that they did not need to fear retaliation in kind, they would announce that, unless we surrendered to all their demands, they would destroy one of our cities each week until we did. Of course the unilateralists actually rely on the American nuclear umbrella, but if the US retreated to Fortress America, this would no longer be available. Sir Keir Starmer has said that Labour would spend more "when circumstances permit", but, as we know, they never would, as a socialist government always runs out of money.

However, although the Conservatives are not quite so naive, they have presided over the reduction of the Army to a size not seen since the Napoleonic wars, and utterly failed to provide our new aircraft carriers with either the jets, or the destroyer screens, necessary. We should be looking at increasing our expenditure to at least five per cent of GDP, not a footling increase of half a per cent. In connection with this the Tories still do not make it an absolute policy that our new ships etc. must be produced at home, not bought from abroad. We are allowing our defences to shrink to the point where, as some American generals have said, we are becoming incapable of defending out nation from aggression.

This issue is very much linked to another which must be raised with those seeking our votes, the utter nonsense of ‘net zero'. China, Russia, India, and the US between them account for the vast majority of carbon dioxide emissions, with the UK only contributing just over one per cent. The hysterical propaganda produced by British environmentalists, in particular ‘Extinction Rebellion', and ‘Just Stop Oil', pretends that the UK is a major cause of carbon emissions, and that to end fossil fuels usage in this country would stop climate change. It is ridiculous to believe that we should distort our entire society in a vain attempt to abandon, in a ridiculously short time, the only certain methods of generating energy, short of nuclear power, which of course the Greens also oppose, when it would make almost no difference to global emissions, but of course we see the liberal elite, particularly the BBC, unquestioning accepting the claims made by the former.

To implement the demands of the zealots would mean that our heavy industries would cease to exist, and the already desperate state of our Armed Forces will be exacerbated by the lack of any means of producing the hardware necessary to fight a conventional war, should we no longer be able to import such due to a world conflict. Given the need to secure our own domestic supplies of energy we should demand that those wanting our votes ignore the nonsense of net zero, refill the gas storage areas, introduce fracking, reopen the coal mines, and go all out for tidal and nuclear power. We know that the Left will not do this, and the Tories are equally as guilty, as they will not even commit to the mini nuclear reactors on offer from manufacturers such as Rolls-Royce.

Another absolutely vital matter is the need to stop mass immigration to this country. Idiots seem to think that it is only a numbers game, but it is much more than that. If we were to accept, for example, fifty million Asians taking up residence, it is not just about the pressure on our infrastructure, but the destruction of our culture. In our history we have experienced many ups and downs, but to fundamentally change the composition of the population would mean that Britain would no longer be Britain. The Left would allow this without a second thought, but it is under the Tories that, despite many promises to the contrary, the figures are completely out of control. The Tory wets will never support the sort of policies which would stop this while there is still time.

Associated with the previous issue is the basic question of the nature of our democracy. Are we to be governed by our own elected representatives, or are we to submit to bodies run by lawyers, and bureaucrats, who care nothing for the wishes of our people. The ECHR, the ICC, the ICJ, and of course the EU, are worshipped by lawyers such as Starmer, but again, the social democrats, masquerading as Conservatives, also take the knee to these arrogant functionaries. International law is a nonsense in a world where over half of the nations in the UN do not subscribe to the democratic principles espoused by the West. The disgusting treatment of Israel at the hands of these ideologues is proof of that.

There are of course many other matters upon which the parties should be challenged, not least the destruction of free speech, thanks to the activities of the woke. Women's rights are being undermined by idiots, such as the leadership of the Labour party, who think that a man can become a woman, our history is being trashed by adolescent brats, who know nothing of the facts, merely chanting slogans about such matters of slavery, ignoring all that we did to end it, and those who seek to distort our language beyond recognition so that views different to theirs cannot even be voiced. The Greens, supposedly concerned with environmental matters, are also fanatical believers in the absurd ‘trans' ideology, while many of their members are supporters of Hamas. The Thought Police, Newspeak, and the weaponisation of the mutability of the past warned of by Orwell now loom large. That the Free Speech Union becomes larger every day, and has set up branches in other Anglicised countries such as New Zealand speaks volumes.

To sum up those who turn up at the door should be challenged about, inter alia, defence, net zero, immigration, democracy and free speech, and asked whether they believe that a man can become a woman just by claiming that they are. The question of, for example, reversible changes to tax pale into insignificance in the face of these absolutely vital issues now faced by our country. Those of us who want Britain to survive must confront those who represent parties which advocate the insane policies which are destroying our nation. For myself I will make clear to such canvassers that I reject their views and that I support Reform UK, whose policies come closest to those I believe to be necessary to save us.